
type table < sequence

A table is a set of named arrays. The arrays must have the same length.

meth table(Columns: map): table

Returns a table with the entries from Columns. The keys of Columns must be strings, the values of Columns are converted to arrays using array() if necessary.

meth table(Names₁ is Value₁, Value₁, : any, ...): table

Returns a table using Names for column names and Values as column values, converted to arrays using array() if necessary.

meth table(): table

Returns an empty table.

meth table(Names: list, Rows: list): table

Returns a table using Names for column names and Rows as rows, where each row in Rows is a list of values corresponding to Names.

meth (Table: table) :: (Name: string, ...): array

Returns the column Name from Table.

meth (Table: table)[Row: integer]: tablerow

Returns the Row-th row of Table.

meth (Table: table)[Name: string, ...]: array

Returns the column Name from Table.

meth (Table: table):delete(Name: string): array

Remove the column Name from Table and return the value array.

meth (Table: table):insert(Names₁ is Value₁, Value₁, : array, ...): table

Insert columns with names from Names and values Value₁, ..., Valueₙ into Table.

meth (Table: table):insert(Name: string, Value: array): table

Insert the column Name with values Value into Table.

meth (Buffer: string::buffer):append(Value: table)

Appends a representation of Value to Buffer.

type table::row < sequence

A row in a table.

meth (Row: table::row) :: (Name: string): any

Returns the value from column Name in Row.

meth (Row: table::row)[Name: string]: any

Returns the value from column Name in Row.

meth (Buffer: string::buffer):append(Value: table::row)

Appends a representation of Value to Buffer.